Business details
It Works! Global exists to empower people to do great things and change their lives—inside and out.
I want to help you learn how to balance your lifestyle, decrease pain in your body, BOOST your health and longevity
and show you tools to keep yourself in harmony, happy and always keeping that peace of mind!
By learning about awareness in the body, and investing in yourself, eventually with the EXPERIENCE, and consistent action taking required to see results, you will start KNOW what your body needs. By choosing to continue a health regime, whether it be:
-It Works Products
-Young LIving Essential Oils - Distributor #1559652
-Massage Therapy
-Yoga Classes- ONLINE Yoga classes or Wellness Plan @ http://unwindwithmelissa.com
-Access Bars or many other modality you choose
When you choose to exercise and stick to a health plan, it works when you do it consistently enough to allow your body to change, so that you can see results, and it will still take work , but it becomes part of your lifestyle, AND THAT IS WHEN You SEE RESULTS!
Contact me today to learn more about It Works products, Young Living, Online Yoga Classes, Long Distance Bodytalk treatments, Project AWOL- Learning how to build your business online, and or Massage therapy if you are in the area.
Also check out my other websites and make sure you LIKE my facebook page to learn about tons more longevity secrets and ways to balance and harmonize your lifestyle! Like us on FACEBOOK, and check out unwindonline.biz!
( https://www.facebook.com/UnwindMassageTherapyYogaStudio )
To Your Health and Happiness,
Melissa Krochak RMT, RYT
Don't hesitate to give me a call for any questions!
Certifications and associations
MTAM, Registered Massage Therapist, Register Yoga Instructor, Bodytalk Practitioner, Access Bars Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Young Living Distributor, It Works Distributor, Empower Network Affiliate
- Health And Beauty
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment