Business details
Do you ever just need one extra guy to lend a hand? OneExtraGuy.com’s mission is to offer trustworthy help to any job, whether it’s cleaning your eaves troughs or getting that old freezer out the basement, let OneExtraGuy do the work. With a big handful of “extraguys” there is no job OneExtraGuy can’t tackle. We work by the hour starting at $29.50/hour with ONLY a 1 hour minimum!! Or let us do the full project or renovation with our MOVING CREW, DECK AND FENCE CREW, CLEANING CREW, RENOVATION CREW.
Contractors also love to use extraguys. “I just love being able to get a guy to help me for a few hours without having to do all the book work on him, I just pay the bill and I don’t have to worry about employees.” Ask about our discounted rate for small businesses. Some companies choose to purchase a block of time and use it as the need arises.
New to OneExtraGuy, The Cottage Crew. The Cottage Crew was started in 2009 and specializes in opening, maintaining and closing cottages in Ontario and northern Michigan. Ask about our online video surveillance!
For more information please feel free to contact us!
- Movers
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment