Simply For Life
630 PINEWOOD RD #101,Business details
Bruce and Claudine Sweeney had a vision to create a company to empower people around the world to achieve and maintain their ultimate health by adopting simple, yet profound, nutrition & lifestyle choices. To do this, Simply For Life would corral the best motivational coaches in the country along with state-of-the-art nutritional science to empower each of their valued Clients with a customized, targeted meal & health plan.
Growing Beyond One Clinic
During 20 years of coaching athletes, Bruce realized that there was a fundamental flaw in the way people approached their health. All too often, they relied on gimmicks, "magic"pills, fad diets, or sporadic exercise to control their weight and enhance their health.
Passion and determination lead Bruce on a seven year journey to create a customized nutrition program. HIs quest for optimal health led him around the world to international conferences and networking with physicians and leading reasearchers. He took the time to discuss his observations and confirm his insights.
In 2001, based on his extensive research, Bruce developed a program that combined a multitude of nutritional indexes and key data to enable each person to receive the right balance of fruit, vegetables, grains, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Bruce knew that with the right foods, eaten in the right portion, at the right time of day, it was possible to achieve optimal health.
Bruce was so good at educating and motivating clients, they did not care that they were sitting in his basement on green plastic lawn chairs. Over time, built the clients up and his wife Claudine managed the business behind the scenes as Bruce built up the clientele. At one point the neighbours were getting suspicious about all the people coming and going from their house! It was time to get a real office. With an unwavering commitment, they took the plunge; quit their full time jobs to open an office, hire employees and start building their dream.
Bruce and Claudine, knew that the key to expanding SFL was to find people like Bruce who care deeply about nutrition. To evoke a truce lifestyle change, they created a network of Certified Nutrition Consultants who educate and motivate clients during weekly consultations. Bruce and Claudine personally train each consultant to ensure the SFL philosophy is adopted and delivered across Canada.
Together, Bruce and Claudine have opened over 30 Clinics across Canada. They hand picked each Franchisee to form a network of experts who offer a very positive and supportive environment for people to adopt small changes that make a big difference in their health.
Client Focused
Ten years later, Bruce and Claudine's vision has come to life in full force. Over 1 million SFL Meal Plans have been generated and delivered by over 90 SFL Nutrition Consultants. Each expert Consultant has been personally trained and continuously mentored by Bruce and Claudine. They lead by example, making every day at SFL about discovering fun, delicious new ways to fuel your body with the right foods, at the right time, in the right portion.
With their Food Journals in hand, Clients look forward to their weekly appointment to be inspired and guided by their Nutrition Consultant. The pure act of coming is brave, since they are seeking help to address a very personal aspect of their life - their health. Our clients are tired of being tired and have often succumbed to repetitive dieting, failing to achieve any true change. A meaningful rapport is often established quite quickly between Client & Consultant, and the relationship is often as inspiring for the Consultant as it is for the Client.
We energize and encourage our clients while having fun talking about food and the relationships that surround it - laughter and high fives are common at each Clinic. Our Clients make great personal strides with their food coaches while learning to love their bodies again. Conventional medicine gives little attention to simple strategies, even though a nutritional intervention quite often offers the greatest results in improving not only health, but the quality of life that goes along with it. Clients see a decrease, and quite often a total elimination, of medications and insulin needles. Their energy goes through the roof, and all of a sudden they feel decades younger.
Clients crave their - NEW Health Normal
Eating with SFL is like getting out of debt – just as rewarding, but much more fun! The biggest complaint we hear from our clients is they initially have trouble eating all the food on the meal plans! It’s easy to imagine what a relief that is from chronic dieting, counting carbohydrates, restricting calories, and being hungry to boot. Clients are always happy to find their food cravings disappearing & having friends & family notice they are in a way better mood. Happiness truly is contagious!
At first, the initial request from many clients is to "slim down" or "take a few pounds off" but after a few months on the program, it’s like a new door opens or a light bulb turns on. They begin to sense and feel their body waking up and they begin to be aware of why they always hear at SFL that health is measured way beyond the scale. Our clients have dubbed it - "changing the feeling of heath". They experience significantly more energy, better sleep, clarity of mind, a refreshed memory, better fitting clothes – these physical perks easily translate into increased confidence and an overall improvement in their relationships at home & work. This simply becomes the new normal and from then on, our Clients know what real health feels like. Vitality is addictive!
Ready to feel happy and chase the feeling of health?
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment