Dr. Thomas Kaus
37 Allen St W,Business details
Family Dentistry - Implants - Crowns & Bridges
Welcome to our dental practice in the Kitchener Waterloo area.
Our Services:
Dental Implants * Family Dentistry * Cosmetic Dentistry * Emergency Care * Dentures * Crowns * Bridges * Invisalign * Hygiene * Cleanings & Prevention * Oral Surgery
Dr. Thomas Kaus
Dr. med. dent. (Germany), Dip Imp Dent (RCS Eng)
Dentist since 1990. Deputy Programme Director - Diploma in Implant Dentistry (Dip Imp Dent) - Royal College of Surgeons of England. General Dental Council (UK) Gold Standard course. Past assistant professor at the University of Tuebingen and University of Toronto. Former senior dentist (Oberarzt) at the University of Tuebingen, Germany. Co-author, with Ashok Sethi, of best selling book: Practical Implant Dentistry translated into ten languages (Qunintessence publishing)
Certifications and associations
Dr. med. dent. (Germany), Dip Impl Dent (RCS Eng)
Parking detail
- Free
Language options
- English
- German
Business hours
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment