Business details
Vous voulez améliorer votre relation avec la nourriture? Vous avez à maintes reprises essayé toutes sortes de diètes qui ne vous ont pas apporté les résultats escomptés? Alors, je vous invite à communiquer avec moi afin de faire l'essai d'une approche graduelle et durable qui vous permettra d'atteindre vos objectifs. Les gens peuvent consulter une diététiste-nutritionniste pour les raisons suivantes: surplus de poids, diabète, hypertension artérielle, cholestérol, maladie inflammatoire (arthrite, arthrose, etc.), santé intestinale et digestive (maladie de Crohn, côlon irritable, diverticulose, etc.) et autres.
Je suis fière d'offrir à mes clients un service bilingue - français et anglais.
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer!
Huguette Samson, Dt.P.
As a Registered Dietitian, I will be happy to work with you to enhance your health. During your visit with me, you will not hear me talk about "dieting". Instead, I promote healthy lifestyle changes that include great tasting foods that are good for you! I invite you to contact me so that we can sit together and discuss your concerns. I will provide you with the information you need to properly self-manage your specific health concerns and/or conditions. Here are just some of the areas that a Dietitian can help with: weight loss, lowering cholesterol, reducing blood pressure, managing your Diabetes, Crohn's disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, anemia, and more. I will be happy to support you in setting goals to improve your overall health.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Huguette Samson, P.Dt.
- Nutritionists
Language options
- Français
- English
Business hours
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment