Best Health Acupuncture & Wellness
2174 Major Mackenzie Dr.,Business details
Acupuncture clinic specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as contemporary medical styles of acupuncture give you the best of both worlds! With this hybrid approach to treatment we are able to effectively treat any ailment you have - physical pains, internal organ imbalances and psychological issues.
Each patient undergoes a thorough assessment on their first visit which allows us to identify the underlying causes to their health issue. We use this information to guide our treatment plans and cater to your specific needs. There is no "blanket approach" to treatment. Like people, every treatment is different. We take the time to get to know you and your body which increases success rates and your chances of living the healthiest life possible. Call today for a FREE 15 minute consultation!
Certifications and associations
CTCMAPO (College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner's and Acupuncturists of Ontario) & CKO (College of Kinesiologists of Ontario)
- Acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, TDP heat lamp therapy, ear seeds, Acu-detox, moxibustion, exercise therapy, TCM dietary recommendations
Parking detail
- Free
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday Closed
- Sunday Closed
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday